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    Strengthening Industry Partnerships



At the beginning of April, the company hosted Tech-Career's staff for a seminar which included lectures on project management, enrichment workshops and a Passover toast. This followed a visit by AT&T management at Tech-Career to discuss our strategic collaboration over the past decade and ways to strengthen it going forward, and the company's hosting of four In-Tech sessions. 
In addition, in December, one of AT&T's HR directors participated in the panel at Tech-Career's annual conference and talked about the importance of diversity in the industry. 
In the framework of our Placement Sprint program, AT&T hosted Tech-Career graduates for enrichment sessions on how to build a web project, personal branding and interview simulations. AT&T personnel also lead interview simulations for Tech-Career's various courses and mentor and tutor our students.
And best of all, one of our Full Stack Software Development graduates just started working at the company!


Hosted our female staff for an empowering seminar on International Women's Day. One of the company's staff members will volunteer as a mentor in our new Data Analysis Course for women that began recently.

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Hosted the hackathon and graduation ceremony for one of our recent Software Development courses. HR personnel participated in job interview simulations for our recent Data course and the company hosted the course's graduation ceremony.


Supports Tech-Career's volunteering initiative at the Ma'apilim school in Lod with a donation for First's robotics kits and made the introduction between the two non-profits. F5 also made a generous donation for Tech-Career's activities, and company personnel took part in job interview simulations for our Data and QA development courses.


Check Point

Hosted the Data Analysis and In-Tech's exposure conferences; DevNet students enjoyed site tours at the company.


Hosted two site tours for DevNet students which included study tours and job search workshops. 

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Hosted In-Tech participants for a visit and led program workshops.


A key partner in Data Analysis course which recently concluded. Meta assisted in creating the syllabus, employees were mentors for our students, and hosted students for a fascinating site tour.



Hosted Software Development students for a presentation of their final projects. Payoneer staff members are assisting graduates in their job search and are mentoring Data Analysis students. The company will host Data students for a site tour in June. 


The company expressed willingness to provide students and graduates with LinkedIn Premium user status and might be making a donation to Tech-Career.

Bynet Data Communications

Invited DevNet students to interview for positions at an interview day held at Tech-Career. Those who passed the initial interviews are continuing the recruitment process at the company.

Bynet Internet

The company's CEO, HR director and Tech-Career graduates working at the company met with DevNet students who will soon begin an OJT period with the company.

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Hosted Software Development students' hackathon and graduation ceremony. The company's personnel acted as hackathon judges.

Red Hat

Hosted QA Automation Development students for an educational site visit.

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Hosted QA Automation Development students' final project presentations.


Company personnel took part in job interview simulations and project presentations. BioCatch connected Tech-Career with the OurCrowd venture investing platform.


Western Digital

Hosted QA Automation Development students for a site visit during which students learned new tips for their job search, participated in workshops, interview simulations and more.

Altera Digital Health

Hosted QA Automation Development students for a site tour during which students met with the company's CEO and QA engineers who explained the importance of the role, and provided them with inside tips on the job search process.

Ibex Investors

Collaborated on our annual conference on diversity, equality and inclusion in the high tech industry, and connected us with a large number of companies


An Israeli startup that provides a platform for proper and effective code writing. Software development students were trained on the platform and were granted free user licenses.


Partners at the venture capital are connecting Tech-Career with new industry partners. 


Donated computers and screens for use by our students.

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